It’s been a hot minute…

Why am I blogging? Is it because I love to talk, ramble, get off topic and eventually lose my train of thought? No, but those are definitely characteristics of my overthinking, overdoing, and probably 37-year old self ๐Ÿ˜‚

After 14 years in business, I decided to stop resisting and start relying on more than just Facebook/word of mouth to stay successful. Hence revamping the website, deleting all my old blog posts (the most recent was 2015 lol!) and starting fresh on that front. And…blogging my sessions, experiences, life. I have grown to almost resent social media and how exhausting and invasive it is. So maybe ironically, blogging will help me still be personal with my clients, but without the newsfeed and opinions every time I open Facebook ๐Ÿ˜‚ I always said if I could run my business page without having a personal Facebook account, I would in a heartbeat. Who is with me? ๐Ÿคฃ

All joking aside: this business is my baby, my legacy, something I hope to pass on to one of my kids, maybe. But everything worthwhile takes the not-so-fun work. Over the years, my regulars have outgrown their milestone sessions and are at 1 family session every year or few years. We go through these stages and have to reevaluate our business approach to marketing and personal longevity. Theres are also more photographers popping up daily, so to set yourself apart, you have to work hard on not only your photography and your connections with people, but your presence and your brand. I hope to continue as a photographer until I retire, which is a while yet!

Visit my next post so this one isn’t too long- to get up to speed on MAJOR changes since Amy Cook Photography became Violet Fox Photography. Thank you for being here โค๏ธ


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