A lot of you have probably been with me since the beginning, or close to the beginning. Maybe you’re brand new, and you never knew who Amy Cook Photography was. Maybe you’re a long-time follower, but haven’t been around in a while and wonder where ACP went- what happened to her? Well, she’s still here- just under a new name and some MAJOR amazing life changes! So let’s rewind.
2019– beginning of the year, my ex and I made the call to begin separation and ultimately, divorce. This isn’t a story that needs to be told on the internet, but it’s important for the timeline and ultimately, the reason for name change.
2020- The year the world stopped. Covid hit and everything changed. There were struggles- especially home schooling all these kids while trying to work and run a business while going through a divorce. It was hard to do it all. Super hard.
Early 2020- I accepted a friend request on Facebook from this guy- never heard of him but we had mutual friends. Whatever, right? I watched silently. He seemed a bit cocky. What does he want with a single mom of 5 kids? Probably the same thing they all do lol 🙄
He slid into my DM’s after a while, subtly. Gave me his Snap, we didn’t really talk a ton but he tried, bless him. I became familiar with him, but we didn’t “talk” that way at this point. I was actually quite stubborn and told him I wasn’t interested 😂 I called his bullshit. You’re just like the rest of them. You don’t want a woman with 5 kids. You just want…well you know. We’re all adults. So I resisted “getting to know” him. I thought I knew who he was from just watching him.
Mid 2020- I finally caved and we made plans to hang out after my daughter’s softball tournament. They ended up winning their game, and we had to stay for another game. I messaged him to cancel. He offered to drive over an hour to come to her game. I declined. Man, this guy is pushy I thought 😂 I wasn’t even interested in him like that, I didn’t think.
About a month later (and I’ll tell this story to whomever lol) he posted on Snapchat about how refreshing it was to hang out with someone who didn’t have kids. I was instantly pissed 🤣 Why? I wasn’t interested in the guy. But I HAD to let him know how hypocritical it was to pursue me for MONTHS (even though I didn’t give him the time of day lol) and then post shit like that. Boy- was I irritated. And I was going to tell him!
The conversation got pretty heated on my end. I told him what was up, but he kept his cool. He took it. I finally calmed down and realized I was being a bit of an asshole…and I apologized. Can I call you? I feel like this will come across better in person than over text. He said yes of course.
That night was our very first video chat on Snapchat. We talked for probably 2 hours. My youngest daughter popped in at one point interrupting the conversation and he was so patient and kind with her. She was 4. I knew once I finally saw his face in real time, and verbally spoke to him, that I had been wrong about everything. I knew I was going to fall completely in love with him. And I did- hard. And fast. To this day, he will still say “I told you so, I knew I was right.” Even on our wedding day, when we exchanged letters he had to slide that in there 😂 And I just let him have it 😁
Late 2020 We got pictures taken that fall…when you know you just know. Look how little the kids all were! Courtesy of Juniper Lane Photography of course!

February 5th, 2021 a fire broke out in my home. There was an electrical short in the wall they later determined, and it started in our bedroom. Right as everyone was settling into bed. We got all the kids and cats out, and ultimately lost everything else upstairs. I lost every piece of clothing besides what I was wearing- the kids lost everything in their rooms including clothes, toys etc (and we had JUST celebrated Christmas!). Kyle managed to grab most of his clothes since he had only just moved in and a lot was on hangers. We were forced to move and find a rental. While it was all a crappy situation, it ultimately became a blessing in disguise. This was the true beginning of our lives together, as we pursued our first home that wasn’t just mine, but OURS. It was a rental, but still- ours. A fresh start.
We moved to Bradner, where my kids had to change schools and we adjusted to our new lives. I had lost my studio and mourned that. But my best friend welcomed me to hers in Findlay with open arms while we went through this stage in life. The kids loved their new school, and everyone adjusted wonderfully. Some took longer than others, but ultimately we were all happy to call Lakota Schools home. It was an adjustment but I personally was happy to get away from the small town I grew up in, and have a fresh start. Especially during a divorce where everyone talks about everyone and you can’t trust anyone.
Mid 2021, I began brainstorming name changes for the business, finally. My divorce was ongoing for almost 2.5 years now at this point, and I knew the business name would have to change. I didn’t want to go to my maiden name because frankly, I knew I was going to marry this man someday. I didn’t want to go with a married name I didn’t have yet for obvious reasons, but also because no matter how much we loved each other, I learned my lesson last time lol. And I didn’t want to do Amy Elizabeth. So boring. This went back and forth for MONTHS internally. Ultimately, I went with Violet Fox – the fox was homage to my then-finance (it’s his favorite animal) and purple is my favorite color. It just ended up working. My logo came out pretty dope too!

November 2021 – Kyle & I had updated pictures, just for us ❤️ Just because. We called them official “engagement portraits” Thank you to Debbie Travoli Photography for these!! Taken at the Bradner Preserve, Bradner Ohio. I shot there a TON when we moved so it was neat being on the other end of the lens at one of my favorite locations!

At the end of 2022, my divorce finally came to a close. The house fire didn’t help that situation as it set everything back with more things to wait on and negotiate and work out. But ultimately it all worked out for the best. The house had been repaired at the end of 2021. It was sold at the end of November 2022, and my divorce was finalized the beginning of December after almost 4 years.
Kyle and I began house “browsing” and also full speed on wedding planning. We were free. Finally. We stumbled across a house quicker than we ever planned, and ended up closing on it February 3rd, 2023. Our first real home together. OURS.
Wedding planning took a detour since closing on the house sucked up all that money. But we made it happen still and on time. And it was beautiful ❤️October 7th, 2023 at the Christy House – Fremont OH

Major life events…divorce ✅ new relationship ✅ house fire ✅ move and change schools ✅ business name change from Amy Cook Photography to Violet Fox Photography ✅ divorce finalized ✅ bought a home ✅ signed a lease on my first commercial studio space after 14 years in business ✅ got married to the love of my life ❤️✅
We made it. And I’d do it all again if I knew I’d be right here ❤️

Image also courtesy of Juniper Lane Photography. look how big everyone got in 3 years!! Oh and Yes my best friend was my MOH, did my makeup, officiated the wedding and still did some pictures too!
Wow – that’s so much to go through in such a short amount of time! Prayers for a smoother ride going forward and health and happiness for you all! You have a wonderful talent and anyone would be extremely fortunate to have you as their photographer. ❤️
Yes it was a long road but it was all worth it and thank you SO much your support means the world to me ❤️
I love this for you. I’ve followed you for a lot of years and had started recently seeing your posts again. So glad life is great again for you
Thank you SO very much!! I truly appreciate your kindness ❤️
Wow!! I started following Amy Cook Photography, i did a course of yours & i’m sure i’ve messaged you about essential
Oils! It’s lovely to hear your journey- i wondered what had happened, but knew it was private & not photography related!
Thank you for sharing
(London, UK)
Girl!! I recognize your name and I’m so glad you found me again! Thank you for being so supportive from the beginning and sticking around ❤️